

    My name is Yu-Ning Liu. Sandy is my English name. I was born on 9th January, 1991. I am studying in Soochow University and I major in the Department of English Language and Literature. I am easy going and willing to help people.   
     I come from a happy and warm family. There are seven people in my family. My grand father lives with us, he is a farmer and he is kind to people. My father runs a parking lot and he also works in farm association, he’s a responsible father. My mother is a housewife, she’s thrifty and prudent. My older sister is working as a foreign sales assistant and she is considerate. My older brother is studying for Master’s degree at National Hsinchu University of Education and he majors in the Department of Arts and Design, The Master Program of Arts Education and Creation Arts and Design Department. He’s optimistic and creative. My younger sister is a high school student, she’s attentive. We also have a naughty dog at home. His name is Gesso and he’s two years old.
    In my free time, I like to read novels and watch television. I also enjoy listening to music and hanging out with friends. English is my favorite subject since I studied in kindergarten, that’s why I choose English as my major now. Through these years in school, I realized the importance of English so I have been studying intently. I hope one day I could make good use of the knowledge that I’ve learned from school and give contribution to our society.